工资单对企业来说是一个复杂的过程. 每个企业主都认识到工资单处理的压力, 工资税申报, 跟踪带薪休假, 每年完成和分发w -2表格. Over half of companies today outsource their payroll processing to handle these tasks and keep their business on top of a quickly evolving workforce. 除了工作量最小化之外, 以下是公司外包工资时将获得的好处.


当大多数人想到工资单时, they think of one thing: their paycheck hitting their bank account every couple of weeks or month.

但实现这一目标的过程有很多步骤. Employers are responsible for accurately calculating the wages that should be paid to employees, 确保适当的雇主和雇员的税款被扣留, 还有更多.

事实上,许多任务都包含在更广泛的薪资流程中. 以下是其中最重要的几点:

  • 设置工资单帐户、技术和交付机制
  • 跟踪员工工作时间,计算欠薪
  • 监督员工病假工资、休假时间和其他带薪休假
  • 代扣代缴工资税,以及联邦和州所得税
  • 确保业务符合所有相关法规
  • 管理工资扣除,如健康保险或退休计划
  • 在年终以及员工被雇用或解雇时提交文件

正如你所看到的,有很多工作要做. 出于这个原因,许多大企业都有自己的内部工资部门. 但对于中小企业甚至中端市场企业来说,这通常是不可行的.

对于这些类型的企业, 将工资单外包给第三方供应商可能是一个重大的胜利.


1. 增加组织

适当的工资单组织始于有效的任务管理系统和流程, 责任, 和最后期限. 这可以包括 软件工具 用于管理各种类型的信息, 详细的电子和物理档案系统, 避免混乱, 处理过时的物品. Fulfilling the payroll requirements for Paycheck Protection Program loans also requires a great deal of organization and additional documentation.

由于这些原因,内部处理工资单可能比外包成本更高. A payroll provider has the experience and tools you need to organize all your payroll requirements and potentially lower your costs.

2. 清晰的文档

对你的工资发放流程有一个深刻的理解是至关重要的. Clear documentation is important in case there are any questions or concerns from employees or stakeholders. 当事情变了或者出了问题, having a streamlined and documented process will help maintain stability and prepare you in the event of an audit. 想知道从哪里开始,或者在你的工资发放过程中应该包括什么? A payroll provider can help you eliminate any guesswork of developing an effective payroll process with clear documentation.

3. 最小化责任

对于工资单来说,最小的细节可能会产生最大的不同. Failing to pay close attention to every detail can greatly impact your staff and 工资管理. 工资单提供者对工作的每一个方面都了如指掌. 他们可以帮助你减少加班工资要求带来的责任, 工资税, 以及季度和年度纳税申报表. 从雇员的适当分类到税收法规和劳动法, outsourcing your payroll ensures you don’t miss important details that keep you in compliance and penalty-free.

4. 提高可伸缩性

如果你想知道随着公司的发展,你将如何跟上支付工资的责任, 考虑外包你的工资. Shifting your payroll 责任 to a provider can improve your organization’s ability to scale without having to hire additional people to handle payroll. 根据美国工资协会的数据, 工资单是组织中最规范的功能之一. Utilizing a payroll provider will give you access to a full team of payroll specialists who keep up with 状态 and local regulations as you expand. 你的工资单将按时准确地完成, 效率, 和有效性, 让你的业务发展.


工资单可以说是雇主最重要的人力资源责任之一, 尤其是如果你问员工. 但, 对于可能没有指定的工资专业人员的公司, 对于雇主来说,处理工资单的任务可能是令人沮丧和耗时的. 这是许多雇主寻求利用的原因之一 工资外包和处理服务 从供应商.

工资 outsourcing and processing services offer several benefits to small businesses and employers. 它不仅可以节省时间和精力, but employers can rest assured that payroll outsourcing providers will keep all processes and procedures in compliance with the latest payroll laws and regulations, 避免任何潜在的惩罚. 以下是考虑将企业薪资外包的原因.

1. 节省时间

公司外包服务的一个主要原因是为了节省时间. Handling payroll is a time-consuming process that takes up valuable time for business owners that could be spent building revenue and connecting with customers instead of calculating and distributing paychecks. 外包商可以简化工资单任务,例如计算每个时间段的工资单, 打印和分发工资单或工资单, 程序维护, 培训, 跟上税率和法律的变化, 准备工资税和向政府机构报税. 实现如下系统 UKG准备™ 大量的有效报告也能提高效率.

2. 省钱

对于许多企业来说,节约成本是当务之急, 尤其是中小型企业. 一些企业选择雇佣一名全职的薪资专家, 平均薪资在52美元左右的职位,000元/年, 根据Glassdoor数据. Companies of this size may find it more cost-efficient to outsource instead of having a payroll department in house.

Professional payroll providers can also save companies from costly penalties related to tax and compliance. Processing payroll on your own may cost you more in the long run if you or your department fails to keep up with the latest requirements. Something else business owners must keep up with is installing the latest version of their payroll software and recent tax tables. 使用错误的税表可能会导致严厉的处罚. Paying a maintenance fee and upgrading software is an ongoing cost that payroll providers can remove.

3. 避免惩罚

知道如何 妥善管理扣税 and meet the federally mandated taxes for Social Security and Medicare is one of the leading factors in productive 工资管理. 薪资外包公司可以很好地保证联邦的归档, 状态, 以及当地的纳税申报表, 同时还要处理所有工资税的支付. Employers can also benefit from a payroll outsourcing agency’s on-time responses to tax agency inquiries. 你可能不是或没有专家来处理政府税收法规的复杂世界. 这些规章制度经常变化, and it can be difficult for small business owners to keep up with payroll-related legislation changes, 尤其是在当今世界. Business owners are legally responsible for any cases of misrepresentation or a failure to accurately report employment taxes to federal and 状态 government agencies.

4. 加强安全

One of the greatest concerns for small businesses when it comes to outsourcing payroll and processing is data security. A professional payroll provider will have taken extra precautions to defend against potential data breaches. 雇主必须采取一切措施确保员工数据的安全. 他们知道自己掌握着高度敏感的数据, payroll providers go the extra mile to keep client information safe and secure from cyber-attacks. Choose a provider that is equipped with the proper tools and tactics to protect sensitive employee data.

5. 确保遵守税务义务

进行必要的税务申报是编制工资单的基本部分. 但随着税收法规的不断变化,企业要跟上步伐可能是一项挑战. 合适的外包工资单提供商将代表您准备和制作所有必需的文件, 确保你的企业履行所有的法律义务.

6. 消除担心

Leveraging a team of experts to handle all your payroll needs has multiple benefits for you and your business. 你只有一个联络点, 所以你不必担心呼叫中心或团队成员请病假, 辞职, 或者要求去度假. 你的外包商会帮你做好准备, 提前收集所有他们需要的信息, 实现平稳过渡. 接触 发现附加价值, 资源, LBMC就业合作伙伴可以为您的公司提供.

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作为 田纳西州的顶级工资服务提供商, LBMC就业伙伴 is dedicated to helping employers maintain the highest of standards with 工资管理 through a variety of payroll solutions. Our team of payroll specialists is equipped and ready to make your life easier with accurate and timely payroll processing, 工资管理, 工资税服务. We stay on top of legislative changes and the complexities of managing remote workers so that you don’t have to.

明升体育app下载 today to discuss our payroll and payroll tax solutions that can help make your business even better!
