Millennials, also known as Gen Y, 一般是1981年到1996年之间出生的人吗. They are more likely than other generations to change jobs, with six in ten open to new job opportunities. (Source: 2020 Gallup report) However, 他们也是工作中最投入的一代,因为他们觉得自己的工作与自己的激情相一致,并能让他们产生积极的影响. 

当你试图为你的公司吸引和留住合适的员工时,有很多事情需要考虑. 你的每一位员工都可能在进入你的公司时精神焕发,准备开始他们职业生涯的新篇章. At first, everything was exciting, 因为他们每天都在学习新的东西,遇到不同的人. But, after a while, the excitement wore thin. It takes continual maintenance and check-ins 让你的员工充满挑战并热爱他们的工作——尤其是那些拥有 expanded their remote workforce


Five Characteristics of Millennials in the Workplace

What are Some Characteristics of Millennials?

1. Millennials are technologically savvy and connected.

千禧一代通常被称为数字原住民,因为他们在触手可及的科技环境中长大. They are comfortable with using various digital tools, 这使得他们非常适合需要使用技术的工作.

确保你和你的团队在技术和社交媒体上保持最新状态. If you’re using antiquated technologies in your business, 千禧一代需要知道,你正在向更先进的技术发展,并期待他们在技术更新的过程中做出贡献.

2. Millennials are transparent.

当你面试某个职位的千禧一代时,你可以使用社交媒体来了解更多关于他们的信息. This can be a great tool to give insight on how to manage them, 他们是什么类型的人,如果你选择雇用他们,如何帮助他们取得成功. Because of their level of transparency, 在面试过程中,对你的职位和公司保持透明是很重要的. 一定要告诉他们这个职位和公司的优点和缺点.

3. Millennials value straightforward management and recognition.

这一代人需要感觉到他们的工作是重要的,他们的表现需要得到认可. 许多千禧一代都是在婴儿潮一代不断给予他们赞美的环境中长大的. During the interview process, 让他们知道他们面试的职位对公司很重要,并且会做出有价值的贡献. They need to know that their work will be making a difference. Also, 制定一个评估流程,让他们知道他们的表现会得到认可,并定期进行讨论. When their performance merits praise, recognize them publicly.

4. Millennials desire diverse work and collaboration.

Millennials have grown up constantly multitasking. They are hardwired to have a lot going on at once. 增加职位的多样性和额外的职责,使他们能够同时处理多项任务并与他人合作.

5. 千禧一代更喜欢能平衡工作和生活的职位, flexibility and career advancement.

这一代人不愿意牺牲自己的个人生活来发展自己的事业. Millennials like to “work hard and play hard,” and they appreciate a company that values this balance. 他们想知道他们的努力工作将会得到回报,并且有成功的职业发展机会. For companies, 这意味着你需要在整个面试过程中强调工作与生活平衡的重要性.

Lessons LBMC Leadership has Learned from Employing Millennials

Millennials want to be heard

我们从千禧一代身上学到的最大教训是,倾听他们以及我们所有员工的意见至关重要. Really listen. 提出问题,然后根据对他们和公司都有意义的想法采取行动.

“我把这等同于当你走在大厅里问别人,‘你今天过得怎么样?’ And if they say, ‘Well, it’s not going very well,’ you’d better stop and listen and find a way to help, versus just walking on past. If you just walk on past, asking ‘How was your day?’ didn’t accomplish what you wanted it to accomplish.” – Jeff Drummonds, CEO

这种倾听和行动的过程表明,公司认真对待员工,尊重他们——这是千禧一代的关键需求. LBMC已经实施了至少三个通过倾听过程脱颖而出的想法:为所有员工提供站立式办公桌, 两周带薪陪产假(除带薪产假和领养假外), 在不会见客户的时候可以穿牛仔裤.

Millennials want to have influence

In addition to having a voice, 千禧一代希望感觉自己能够有所贡献——在工作场所的决策中有影响力.

Millennials don’t expect to be the final decision-makers. 但是,通过了解和理解他们是过程的一部分,并对所做的决定产生影响,他们更有可能全力支持公司内可能发生的任何倡议或变化.

Millennials want work/life balance

在LBMC工作的千禧一代表示,希望工作场所更灵活,有更多机会利用科技. In response to that, 我们已经实施了技术解决方案,使明升体育app下载员工能够根据需要在偏远地区高效工作. This allows their work schedules to fit their lives, 这在LBMC非常重要,我们重视平衡生活质量的承诺.

Millennials want to feel empowered at work

At LBMC, 经理们被告知成为合伙人需要什么,以及这个角色所带来的期望. To further empower young employees, LBMC成立了一个青年专业人员小组(针对那些刚入职7年的人)和一个妇女倡议, called the WIN@LBMC.

In addition, 每个年轻员工都有一个导师,他们会定期见面,讨论自己的职业发展, what they are doing well, 他们可以改进什么,以及如何在LBMC继续发展他们的职业道路. 我们还扩大了明升体育app下载专业发展计划,以确保我们满足组织内各级员工的需求.

“我工作过的一些组织等级森严,以资历为基础, and that’s very frustrating for Millennials,” said Katie Tarr, a shareholder in the healthcare valuations department. “If I’m working smart and hard, 为什么我和那些效率比我低的人处于同一水平, just because they’ve been here longer? 千禧一代的创业心态与前几代人非常不同, 因为我必须关心我在做什么,我必须觉得我有一项使命,我必须参与其中——而不仅仅是为了薪水而工作. 我所知道的千禧一代中没有人会仅仅为了薪水而接受一份工作——他们想要的是一份能让他们付出、让他们兴奋、让他们觉得自己是其中一员的工作.”

Millennials can teach us

虽然我们可能还没有弄清楚千禧一代的所有原因, 我们吸取了宝贵的经验教训,使公司所有年龄的员工都受益. 从明升体育app下载千禧一代计划中得出的一个关键结论是,我们都有更多的东西要学. 就像明升体育app下载千禧一代员工觉得他们可以通过我们团队中更有经验的成员提供的指导而成长一样, 明升体育app下载领导团队认为,通过让明升体育app下载年轻员工指导我们如何提供令人满意的工作,公司可以发展壮大, successful workplace. In other words, we’re learning from each other.

“我不想给人一种我们已经解决了所有问题的感觉. 我们必须接受千禧一代和其他人所要求的许多事情, but that doesn’t mean capitulation. As long as you’re willing to be open and honest with them, I think that this generation is willing to meet you halfway.” – Jeff Drummonds, CEO

As a result of our efforts to attract and retain millennials, LBMC被评为2016年25个最适合应届毕业生工作的地方之一, based on work-life balance, culture, mentoring, benefits, training and employee rankings. As a company, 我们期待着在发展多代员工队伍的过程中共同学习和成长.

How Millennials Are Changing the Workplace

千禧一代为他们的职业生涯带来了各种各样的社会和文化体验. As they grew into adulthood, they watched the birth and growth of the Internet, the advent of social media, strong socio-political and cultural conflicts, and a major economic recession. These myriad influences, along with the parenting styles of baby boomers, helped form a generation that’s resilient, optimistic, purpose-driven, and flexible. As they bring these values to the workplace, they’ve helped to shape how companies offer benefits, schedule working hours, and communicate purpose. 事实上,千禧一代正在以四种主要方式改变工作场所.

1. Millennials are Changing Workplace Technology

If asked, most Millennials can verbally recreate the squeaking, cracking, and high-pitched squeals that accompanied dial-up Internet access. Yet, 即使是56kbps的速度也能让千禧一代在台式机上访问比前几代人在大型图书馆中访问更多的信息. Since they are “digital natives,“许多千禧一代员工比他们的长辈更能自如地使用技术. This can be a great benefit in a variety of industries. Employers can trust Millennial workers to research, implement, 并对能够改变工作流程和生产力的新技术进行故障排除. Millennials are also big fans of big data, and they’re primed to collect, analyze, and interpret information on click-thrus, conversion, and customer engagement.

2. Millennials are Changing Workplace Stability

Although the exact numbers are hard to pin down, 大多数研究表明,千禧一代换工作的速度比他们的前辈要快.  Although serial job-hopping may appear problematic, 在它可能给生活和组织带来的混乱之下,它有一些隐藏的好处. In reality, changing roles, positions, 工作场所让千禧一代看到了各种各样的行业方法和管理风格. This means that when they arrive in a new workspace, 他们可以根据以前的经验提供新的想法和深思熟虑的观察. 千禧一代也是高度灵活的员工,因为他们身兼数职. 如果你想在小公司找一个典型的“身兼数职”的员工, 千禧一代可能是同时担任多个角色的合适人选.

3. Millennials are Changing Workplace Flexibility and Transparency

Millennials value flexibility in their work, a high level of transparency, and a strong work-life balance. 这些优先事项有助于改变工作场所对员工职责的期望. While a typical 8 to 5 schedule was the norm even a decade ago, 科技和员工的偏好使得灵活的工作时间越来越多, remote work, the gig economy, and the sharing economy. 千禧一代被除了薪水之外还有可衡量的福利的工作所吸引, and flexibility is top among their concerns. They also desire a high level of transparency in their careers, with access to supervisors and administrators. 建立一个清晰的反馈过程来支持年度审查过程是个好主意. 许多千禧一代如果觉得一年只能得到一次反馈,就会离职. 在公司的等级制度中,坦率、开放的对话是备受推崇和赞赏的.

4. Millennials Are Changing Workplace Values and Purpose

许多千禧一代员工共有的另一个特点是,他们渴望在工作生活中实现更高的目标. 吸引这一代人的是那些能够清楚地说明他们能为客户和世界带来价值的工作场所. As part of a globally-aware group, 千禧一代想知道他们的工作如何让周围的人受益, 而能够传达自己价值观的雇主往往更受青睐. 千禧一代还希望将自己的特定技能和兴趣与公司的更大愿景联系起来. 雇主可以通过帮助千禧一代员工创造真正反映他们才能的角色,来鼓励他们更多地投入工作. Finally, Millennial employees want to give back. Since they can be somewhat skeptical of capitalism, 他们希望为对社区有贡献的公司工作. Whether it’s through profit sharing, volunteerism, or sponsorship, 雇主们必须集思广益,想办法支持他们周围的组织吸引和留住忠诚的年轻员工.

职场上的千禧一代一直被诟病为自以为是、自私、不安分、懒惰. 事实是,他们很投入,有创造力,善于分析,而且善于思考. As they’ve begun to integrate into the larger workforce, they’ve become a true catalyst for workplace change.

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